Know what you are deploying your colleagues for. Determine your goals in advance and communicate them clearly. Connect to your core values. Well formulated and widely shared fax list values provide employees with fax list and guidance. Make it fun. Employees did not necessarily hook up with easy promotions, but as soon as fax list promotion was promoted through internal channels with playful emails and.
Banners and contained a fax list element, they did catch on. At Presenter, for example, they did this by setting up a challenge to recruit leads, where employees could earn points by performing various actions. From sharing a LinkedIn post to fax list a qualified lead. Everything yielded points to eventually save for prizes. Focus on motivated colleagues instead of focusing on colleagues who are already somewhat reluctant. That is why they share stories from within the company about the people, values, possibilities and innovation. With these kinds of fax list you show what you have to offer as an employer and what you mean to the world. In it, a human and simple approach beats business and complex content. By strengthening your reputation in this way, you fax list also make your company more attractive to new employees in the current war for talent . Also read: Reusing your content: 46 ideas to try right away The first tip from the session that I would like to share fax list you is work with fixed formats.
Keep experimenting. This is the only fax list to find out what works for you and your colleagues. 2. Building a strong reputation The content you share affects your reputation. The Dutch home market and the reputation within it are of great importance fax list Philips, because it determinesof its international reputation. Speaker Freek Janssen explains how Philips uses content to let the Dutch know what they do and how they make a fan of fax list company. To achieve this, Philips focuses its content strategy around Van Riel 's RepTra model , which divides the reputation into different parts. From products and services to leadership. For Philips, products fax list services are of great importance to its reputation. However, these should not be predominant within the content.