Related article Easy-to-understand explanation of leave allowance under Article 26 of the Labor Standards Act 3. What is the scope of application of leave allowance under the Labor Standards Act? Scope of application Leave allowances are paid not only to full-time employees, but also to all workers regardless of employment status, such as contract employees, part-time workers, and part-time workers. In the case of temporary employees, it may be difficult to determine whether the application of leave allowance is appropriate. If Article 26 of the Labor Standards Act applies to temporary workers, the company with which they are employed will be obligated to pay leave allowances. If you have a business consignment contract, you are generally not eligible for leave allowance.
However, depending on the content and extent of the work of the outsourcing company, there are cases where the payment of leave allowance is appropriate. 4. What is the calcy mobile number list uulation method for leave allowance under the Labor Standards Act? Method of calculation Article 26 of the Labor Standards Law stipulates that the amount of leave allowance paid should be at least 60% of the average wage. Please note that the amount of leave allowance paid is based on the average wage, not the basic salary.
The average wage is calculated by dividing the total amount of wages paid in the three months prior to the occurrence of reasons attributable to the employer by the total number of days in the three months. The total amount of wages paid within three months includes commuting allowance, overtime allowance, annual paid leave, and perfect attendance allowance. However, this amount does not include sickness allowance, consolation allowance, retirement allowance, marriage allowance, etc. Other allowances may be paid if you have taken leave within the last three months for childbirth, childcare, nursing care, injury or illness during work, etc.